Monday, April 23, 2012

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
AN NUR / The L I G H T

The Reality of R E AL I T Y

We have yet to experience death, nor "life after death" ;therefore, the only reality that we have in front of us, are our daily experiences, we think. In addition, we also have dreams, hopes , and hopes they are just as real to us as we think they are. Then, we have, an almost forgotten reality: the time when we were in our Mom's worm.
As funny as it my seem, sometimes we don't really see that what we  see in other people as well as our own- selves, (with-out guidance and certainly TRUE revelation),  could be with some error .
Allah (God) said that He is the "SURE RELITY". Allah also said that He created Man and Jin, but to worship Him. Our own reality; however, can be inference by both out- side and in- side forces. When we don't pray and behave in a goodly matter, the reason for our creation is not being fulfilled and those our reality will change accordingly.
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One on the most beautiful things about this subject matter, "reality", is that, because we all have a limited "free will" in making chooses, we can affect the development and out-come of our own reality to a large degree. A person that is always depressed may be causing this condition by the way the he or she formulates thoughts; in other words, this person is never happy with anything any way.
A person who just won't trust anyone , ever, may not be trusted by others as well. The power that we have is both beautiful and yet, dangerous; we can chose well for our- self’s or by, our actions, place our-self’s in bad predicaments. When we rather not have bad times over and over again related to the same issue; then a change in what we are doing or maybe not doing, may be a solution for better times, Insh’Allah ( God willing).

Love means joy and peace inside****** Love means giving and helping****Love means family***** Love MEANS Remembrance of Your CREATORTHE 99 Names of ALLAH
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Your C r e a t o r has made YOU Beautiful so Be: B E A U T I F U L, Insh'Allah ( God Willing)

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